Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD) Strategic Partner
ESS works closely with the Alliance for Chemical Distribution, formerly NACD, to serve as a Strategic Partner. In this role, ESS provides regulatory support services to the Alliance, and will provide ongoing support services to the member companies. These services are in accordance with the ACD standard support services agreement, and include 30 minutes per quarter of free regulatory support focused on facility safety and environmental matters. Please call Pete Downing or Rachelle Alexander if you have any questions or wish to take advantage of this benefit.
ACD RD Adviser
We are proud to be one of only two nationwide Responsible Distribution Advisers for the ACD. As such, we offer our expertise to you in order to provide support and resources if you are preparing and implementing a Responsible Distribution Program. We can help with tasks such as: creating, completing, or updating your company’s Responsible Distribution Profile; integrating management systems with Responsible Distribution, including ISO and Responsible Care; writing and/or updating company policies and procedures; providing preventative and corrective actions through facility audits; training; and assistance at your verification. For more information about Responsible Distribution and Responsible Distribution Advisers, please visit the ACD website.
acd regulatory COMPLIANCE preferred provider
Environment & Safety Solutions, Inc. is proud to be a compliance provider preferred by the Alliance for Chemical Distribution. ESS extends our promise of facility-specific solutions to any and all ACD members. We address the compliance needs of members without changing the way their facilities run, unlike many providers who offer "cookie-cutter" solutions that may not fit with the facility's procedures. ESS offers our full list of services to ACD members in order to assist in any way we can.